<attention> ✅ INSTANT DELIVERY OF THE LICENSE KEY - AFTER PAYMENT 🎮 PAID - ACTIVATED - PLAY 🎮 ✅ YOU CAN PLAY ON: XBOX SERIES X|S + XBOX ONE </attention> After activation, the game WITHOUT REGIONAL RESTRICTIONS The game is forever associated with your Microsoft account You can download the game in any region and at any time, with all available languages 👍 <attention>Attention:</attention> - Each key is purchased with honestly earned money and is 100% reliable. - Return of the key for the reasons "did not fit", "cannot activate" or "did not read the description" - is NOT made!!! If after successful activation the desired product does not appear in your library, then you need to go to your console settings and change the region to the one indicated with the key. Then go to the store, find the product, and instead of ´buy´ button, you will have ´install´ 💬We are confident you can handle this, but if any problems arise, we are always ready to help! Description The distant future. A psionic hormone has been discovered in the human brain, which has endowed people with extrasensory abilities and completely changed the world as we know it. But as soon as the light of a new era illuminated humanity, mutants thirsty for brains and who had lost their minds, who were called Others, began to descend from the heavens. They were incredibly resistant to conventional weapons, and to cope with the threat and save humanity, the world needed a whole new level of fighters. Psionics, possessors of extrasensory abilities, became the only ones who could repel the extraterrestrial threat. Since then, psionicists have been searched all over the world and recruited into the Other Suppression Squad (OSI), which has become the last bastion of humanity. Start the game with one of two characters, each of which has its own story. Yuito Sumeragi is an enthusiastic recruit from a powerful family of politicians. Kasane Randall has been a long-time member of the OPI, and her strength and experience have helped her earn respect. Only when their stories intertwine will the full story of SCARLET NEXUS be revealed to you, and you will learn all the secrets of the future in the brainpunk style at the intersection of technology and psionics.
✅ WE GUARANTEE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE KEYS✅ Returns for the reasons: "bought the wrong thing", "thought that **", "bought by accident" are NOT carried out For all questions of interest to you, contact the online chat or telegram, we work daily! ATTENTION: 1. IF DURING ACTIVATION YOU SAW "FAILED TO FIND THIS PRODUCT" - you need to change the region of the account 2. IF THE GAME IS NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR REGION - to download you will need to change the region on the console After activation/download - the region can be returned back